Politics 2024-05-15T05:35:14+03:00
Ukrainian news
SSU Finds Another Torture Chamber Of Occupiers In Kharkiv Region

SSU Finds Another Torture Chamber Of Occupiers In Kharkiv Region

Russia, war, Ukraine, Kharkiv region, war with Russia, tortures, Russian occupiers, Russian invaders, Russia's war against Ukraine, torture chamber

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) found another torture chamber of the occupiers in the Kharkiv Region, where Ukrainians were abused and then taken to the Russian Federation.

This was reported by the SSU press center, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

Operatives of the Security Service discovered a place of illegal detention of people in the recently liberated village of Lyptsi in the Kharkiv Region.

The torture chamber, which the invaders called the "basement", was set up in the premises where the so-called people's militia of the LPR was located.

The occupiers illegally imprisoned local residents there who supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine and refused to cooperate with the enemy.

According to the SSU, the Russian military subjected the prisoners to brutal torture, after which they were forcibly taken to the territory of the Russian Federation.

As part of the previously initiated criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Article 438 (violation of the laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, investigative and operative actions are ongoing to establish the entire range of persons who suffered from torture by the occupiers, as well as all war criminals involved in abuse of the civilian population.

All the collected evidence of war crimes committed by Russian servicemen will later be handed over to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, law enforcement officers discovered more than ten torture chambers of the Russian occupiers in the de-occupied settlements of the Kharkiv Region.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy compared Russians to Nazis, talking about torture in the Kharkiv Region during the occupation.


