Politics 2024-04-15T09:42:15+03:00
Ukrainian news
Constitution Being Invalidated - Shapoval

Constitution Being Invalidated - Shapoval

Constitutional Court Ex-Deputy Head / Central Election Commission Ex-Head Volodymyr Shapoval doubts that the Constitutional Court will declare unconstitutional the provisions of the law On Judicial System And Status Of Judges in terms of the Supreme Court establishment.

Ukrainian News agency learnt this from a comment by Volodymyr Shapoval.

"I believe that the Constitutional Court actually sees the problem. Any delay indirectly indicates presence of the problem. The Constitutional Court is facing a very difficult political and organizational issue. Just imagine the newly established Supreme Court suffering possible declaration of the said law unconstitutional. That's quite possible, however, I consider it quite unlikely as it might worsen the situation and the consequences are predictable. The judges do understand that," he said.

According to Shapoval, the Constitutional Court judges are now the hostage of circumstance however, they must take a decision.

"Thus they are trying to protract the process as they have no answers. They are simply waiting until the time is ripe. I am absolutely confident," Shapoval said.

The Constitutional Court ex-deputy head considers that the Constitution has been made invalid since the Revolution of Dignity of 2014.

"When I saw the constitutional amendments touching justice, when they enshrined the establishment of the new Supreme Court instead of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, I realized that was a primitive way to tackle the problem. I see nothing wrong in the complaints of the judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. Since 2014, the Constitution has been made invalid. That's not how the things are done. I really sympathize with the Constitutional Court judges professionally," he noted.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, former Constitutional Court judge Viyacheslav Dzhun considers the situation involving dissolution of the Supreme Court of Ukraine a disgrace to the judicial system.


