Politics 2024-04-15T05:40:37+03:00
Ukrainian news
General Staff Says Russia Plans To Capture Kyiv In Future

General Staff Says Russia Plans To Capture Kyiv In Future

Kyiv, attack on Kyiv, General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine believes that Russia plans to capture Kyiv in the future, create a new state entity and include it in the Russian Federation. Oleksii Hromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, announced this during a briefing.

"As the likely consistent actions of the enemy we consider its attempts to take control of the territory of Odesa, Mykolaiv and partially Zaporizhzhia regions, the creation of a land corridor to the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, the seizure of the territory of central Ukraine, the capture of Kyiv, the staging of re-elections to legislative and executive bodies bringing pro-Russian forces to power, the creation of a new state entity and its inclusion in Russia. Thus, the enemy will try to achieve its strategically political goal. But those are its thoughts. There is our opposition to their thoughts," Hromov said.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the occupation leadership of Kherson region wants to appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to include the region into the Russian Federation.

In Kherson region, invaders can keep about 500 people "in the basement."

In the second half of April, the Russian military in Kherson region held a meeting with the local population, during which they announced that there would no longer be humanitarian corridors in the region.

However, later 2,000 people managed to evacuate from the city on their own.


