Economy 2024-06-15T09:59:47+03:00
Ukrainian news
Sytnik's June Salary UAH 150,000

Sytnik's June Salary UAH 150,000

NACB, salary, Artem Sytnik

The salary of the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) Artem Sytnik for June was UAH 148,901.

This is stated in the answer of the NACB to the request of the Ukrainian News Agency.

The fixed official salary of Sytnik was UAH 79,290, seniority pay - UAH 23,787, allowance for work that provides access to state secrets - UAH 7,929, traveling pay - UAH 37,295.

After withholding taxes and fees Sytnik received UAH 119,865.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Sytnik's salary for May was UAH 160,000.

Больше новостей о: NACB salary Artem Sytnik
