Politics 2024-08-15T10:44:20+03:00
Ukrainian news
Citizenship Of 87,300 Ukrainians Terminated Since 2005

Citizenship Of 87,300 Ukrainians Terminated Since 2005

Ukraine, citizenship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Migration Service

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine says 87,376 Ukrainians have lost Ukrainian citizenship since 2005.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs told this to Ukrainian News Agency following an inquiry.

The answer reads that diplomatic missions of Ukraine abroad accept applications from citizens willing to terminate the citizenship. The powers to terminate Ukrainian citizenship belong to the State Migration Service.

Most applications are submitted in Germany, Russia, Austria, the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and Latvia.

The State Migration Service says 5,609 foreigners have been granted Ukrainian citizenship since 2012.

The State Migration Service told this to Ukrainian News Agency following an inquiry.

It says 660 foreigners were granted the Ukrainian citizenship in 2012, 1,425 in 2013, 1,329 in 2014, 978 in 2015, 812 in 2016, and 405 foreigners were granted Ukrainian citizenship in the first half of 2017.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in 2016, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko granted Ukrainian citizenship to 809 foreigners, including 131 citizens of the Russian Federation.

In first half of 2017, President Poroshenko granted Ukrainian citizenship to 405 foreigners, including 55 citizens of Russia and 54 citizens of Syria.

Between the inauguration on June 7, 2014, and January 1, 2017, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko terminated citizenship of 17,805 Ukrainians.

In the first half of 2017, President Poroshenko terminated citizenship of 1,567 Ukrainians.

In July 2017, President Petro Poroshenko terminated the Ukrainian citizenship of former governor of Odesa region Mikheil Saakashvili.


