Cabinet Extends Adaptive Quarantine Until 2021

The Cabinet of Ministers has extended the adaptive quarantine until the end of 2020.

The corresponding decision was made at a government meeting, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"It is proposed to extend the quarantine period until December 31, 2020. This is due to a sharp increase in the number of new cases and hospitalization at the beginning of the epidemic season of influenza-like diseases," said Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov.

Besides, changes have been made to the readiness criteria for the relaxation of quarantine and quarantine restrictions.

In particular, the target indicator of testing coverage was doubled - from 24,000 tests per 100,000 citizens to 48,000 per 100,000 citizens during the last seven days.

Changes have been made to the number of occupied beds, which are taken into account when determining the level of epidemic danger.

"We will not take into account the beds that are allocated in the children's and pediatric departments," Stepanov said.

The criterion for referring to the "red level" of epidemic danger has also been changed - now for this the incidence within 14 days will have to exceed 320 people per 100,000 citizens.

Besides, throughout the country, including the "green zone", the work of restaurants and other catering establishments is limited after 10 p.m.

New restrictions have been introduced for mass events.

So, in the "green zone" events up to 50 people will be allowed, in the "yellow" - up to 30, in the "orange" - up to 20 people.

Throughout the country, it is proposed to hold all sporting events without spectators, except for international competitions.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on August 20, the Cabinet of Ministers extended the adaptive quarantine until October 31.

Quarantine was introduced on March 12.

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