Politics 2024-08-15T11:23:40+03:00
Ukrainian news
United States, Canada, EU Calling On Ukraine To Conduct Independent And Transparent Verification Of E-Declarat

United States, Canada, EU Calling On Ukraine To Conduct Independent And Transparent Verification Of E-Declarations

Ukraine, European Union, United States, Canada, e-declarations, verification

The Embassy of Canada, Embassy of the United States and the European Union Representation call on Ukraine to conduct an independent and effective verification of e-declarations.

This is said in their joint statement on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

Besides, the said countries call on Ukraine to ensure independence and proper resource provision of the National Anticorruption Bureau, Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office and the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.

Besides, they call on Ukraine to complete the establishment of the State Bureau of Investigation and the National Corrupt Assets Recovery Agency.

The representations of Canada, United States and the EU supported the establishment of the Higher Anticorruption Court.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention states it is ready to provide law enforcement bodies with access to e-declarations only within the framework of investigations into specific criminal cases.


