Economy 2024-08-15T07:19:48+03:00
Ukrainian news
AMCU Not Yet Submitted To Meeting Consideration Of Purchase Of Priamyi TV Channel

AMCU Not Yet Submitted To Meeting Consideration Of Purchase Of Priamyi TV Channel

TV channel, Petro Poroshenko, amcu, Priamyi, Priamyi TV Channel

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) has not yet submitted to the meeting consideration of the purchase of the Priamyi TV channel.

Ukrainian News Agency learned this from a source in the AMCU.

"If there is no such case on the agendas and in the decisions made public this week, then it has not been submitted," he said.

The source clarified that the AMCU meeting this week (February 15-19) was held on February 18, usually meetings are held twice a week - on Tuesday and Thursday.

According to the information on the AMCU website, neither the draft agenda nor the decisions contain information regarding the Priamyi TV channel.

At the same time, the press service, at the request of the Ukrainian News Agency, is studying the issue on the presence of an application for permission to purchase of the TV channel and will provide details later.

According to Article 24 of the Law on the Protection of Economic Competition, concentration can be carried out only subject to prior obtaining permission from the AMCU in cases where the total value of assets or the total volume of sales of goods of the participants in the concentration exceeds an amount equivalent to EUR 30 million, or the volume of sales of goods in Ukraine no less than of two participants in the concentration exceed EUR 4 million each.

It is also necessary to obtain permission if the aggregate value of assets or the aggregate volume of sales of goods in Ukraine of the enterprise over which control is acquired, or the entity whose assets are acquired, exceeds EUR 8 million in the last financial year, and at the same time the volume of sales of goods of at least one other party in the concentration, taking into account the control relationship, exceeded EUR 150 million in the last financial year.

Fine For violation of the law is imposed depending on the nature of the violation.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on February 18, former President Petro Poroshenko, Member of Parliament from the European Solidarity faction, said that he had bought the Priamyi TV channel.

Previously, the owner of the Priamyi TV channel was former Member of Parliament Volodymyr Makeyenko.

Poroshenko announced that the National Security and Defense Council intends to impose sanctions against Makeyenko on February 19.


